Make Real Bread

Patrice's Baking

I’ve been making bread since my early twenties. Just recently though, I’ve become obsessed. Why do I make bread? The taste is just amazing and it’s so good for you. It’s also great to share with friends and colleagues although there I nearly caused an upset recently when Mr EF…

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A bread making course like no other

French breads

An academic friend of mine, Professor Hazel Hall teaches a class at Edinburgh Napier University on Knowledge Management. At the start of the course, she announces that the class will be learning to knit. Some of the students get written instructions, some get instructions with illustrations and the remaining ones…

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Time for pancakes?

Blueberry pancakes

It is fun getting ready for a holiday – especially when food is involved. So for our recent trip to Poland we just had to start the investigation by visiting a couple of our excellent Polish shops in Edinburgh. We soon discovered some excellent fresh bread – the rolls with…

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Yeast: Fresh is best?

Wholemeal breads

You’ll probably have realised by now, that I am very interested in bread making and am definitely on a mission to improve my skills. Forgive me for being evangelical, but I find it so rewarding – I love making magic! Those of you who have made bread, have probably used…

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