Since this post was written in 2010, Loopy Lorna’s and Moo Cafe have closed.
Visiting the inspiring capital for one of the Edinburgh Festivals during August? Food stops need planning as well as your favourite shows. Just to give you a taster, in the first of a series of posts, we will help you plan where to eat. Plan ahead whilst you can! Edinburgh has great restaurants, some say more restaurants per head than anywhere else in the UK (although it has been devilishly difficult to prove this). For the savvy local, this is no problem, but if you are visiting Edinburgh from out of town for the Fringe, International Festival, Book Festival or any of the others running at the same time, you could be very disappointed.
It’s tempting just to stick to the area around the centre, but venture a little further afield as well and you’ll find some choice locations (and most of Edinburgh’s natives too). For those who expect nothing but the best .. If you’d like to try one of our five Michelin starred restaurants, you’ll need to book ahead, well ahead. Consider eating at one at lunchtime to try the cuisine at a very reasonable price (lunch prices noted). Plan NOW to avoid disappointment.
- Martin Wishart £27.50
- No 1 at the Balmoral (no lunch menu)
- The Kitchin £24.50
- 21212 from £25 (2 courses)
- The Plumed Horse £25.50 (check website for new pricing, shown to May 2010 currently)
Looking for prime Scottish ingredients …? If you fancy trying prime Scottish ingredients, you’ll find that we’re passionate about using them in many different cuisines, including modern Scottish at the Dining Room, Scotch Malt Whisky Society on Queen Street , you do not have to be a member to eat there)
- The Dining Room @smwsqueenstreet
I just fancy a delicious spot of lunch or tea Fancy a light lunch or some delicious tea and cakes, cooked with passion? Consider Loopy Lorna’s in Morningside (and soon a second at the Churchill Theatre)
@loopylornas I know it’s late but I really fancy breakfast A short walk from Queen Street, friendly Moo Cafeteria in Canonmills serves delicious hearty meals all day (and some rather nice cakes too). Or try Illegal Jacks, just opposite the Film Theatre on Lothian Road Illegal Jack’s based near the Filmhouse on Lothian Road. His burritos and chile are considered the most authentic around. Both are very active on both Twitter and Facebook – where you might just find a special offer or their music playlist.
- @illegaljacks
I’ve spent too much on beer and fringe shows Surely the best bargain and some of the tastiest food in Edinburgh, the Mosque Kitchen is well worth a visit. You’ll sit on communcal tables and get dripped on if it is raining, plates are piled high and washed down with a great selection of soft drinks.
There’s some great ways to plan ahead to suit any taste, here are just a couple to set you on your way. The List Eating and Drinking Guide A small army of reviewers venture forth each year to taste all the restaurants included in this guide, in Edinburgh and Glasgow. You’ll find that they aim to encourage rather than damn a restaurant, but read the review carefully and you’ll soon know whether it’s worth considering. The information is available online, but it is worth purchasing a copy (available at many newsagents and book shops) to carry round and check out the restaurants in the Hit List for each section. @thelistmagazine
This site boasts many of Edinburgh’s great restaurants, and if you book in advance, you might get a little extra, discounted meals, or free glasses of wine or a dram of whisky. It’s great for last minute choices too. You can search by city area or the whole city at once. Sign up for an account before your visit to find out the latest information and follow them on Twitter @5pm Thank you to Brendan for the picture of Tom Kitching
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I think you’ll find that Loopy Lorna’s is opening in Morningside, not Leith.
Also, the List don’t pay for their food and can be very negative of even the best restaurant in their reviews (always have a negative at the end). I don’t trust places that get their food for free, surely they feel obliged to write up a good report?
My mistake, they’re opening a second at the Churchill Theatre. Will update!