Just recently, I helped gather some recipes for a diary project. It was only when I tried to convert some american measurements into metric that I discovered how challenging it was work out all the equivalents.
There are so many times you get stumped in the kitchen. At Christmas time, your recipe gives ingredients for an 20 cm cake tin, but what if your container is smaller or larger? You’re using one of your mother’s old recipes and have no idea what temperature you need to set the oven at as she cooked with gas and you’ve got electric.
Shirley Bond’s book “How Do You Measure Up” is a real gem. It gives you all the answers to the above and so many, many more from how many sausage rolls you can make from a quantity of pastry to an explanation of what British and American cooking terms mean. (I could have done with that when I was making biscuits) to conversions between cups and grams.
Whilst you could find some of the information online or apps, you’ll never find as much as this book contains in one place. This book could almost be a favourite gadget it’s so useful.
I discovered some apps that you might like to try out too. They are cheaper, but none include all the features in the book. If links are included, there is a separate website. Otherwise, search in the iTunes Store.
Kitchen Calculator Pro £2.29
CookCalc 79p For iPad and iPhone