About Edinburgh Foody Caroline von Schmalensee

Cooking, eating and drinking is fun as well as necessary. I do food for fun and I write for a living. Good food makes the world a more delicious and satisfying place. Good writing, meanwhile, can make the world a less confusing place.

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Here are my most recent posts


Caroline von Schmalensee

Cooking, eating and drinking is fun as well as necessary. I do food for fun and I write for a living. Good food makes the world a more delicious and satisfying place. Good writing, meanwhile, can make the world a less confusing place.

Hawksmoor Burns Night Feast with Johnny Walker

Steak, ash-baked neeps and tatties, marrowbone Lorne sausage and, in the top right corner, A Red, Red Rose. Of which I had three.

Steak, ash-baked neeps and tatties, marrow bone Lorne sausage and, in the top right corner, A Red, Red Rose. Of which I had three.

Hawksmoor does a good steak; Johnny Walker does a good whisky*. I was excited to be invited to a Burns night feast that Hawksmoor Johnny Walker threw. I found a meat-eating friend, donned my only tartan garment and set out to enjoy the evening. And did I!

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