Pâtisserie by Murielle Valette

Sour cherry and pistachio tartlet

Our guest blogger is  Vohn McGuinness who blogs over at Vohn’s Vittles. Edinburgh Foody kindly sent me the new book Patisserie: A Step-by-step Guide to Baking French Pastries at Home by Murielle Valette to review. It is, quite simply, a beautiful book with stunning photographs throughout. Ms Valette is from a family…

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Let’s Eat Lamb

Wham Bam thank you Lamb

As you may know, I grew up in England. Each Sunday, along with many other families we always had a roast for lunch. The leftovers from the meat were transformed into one or two dishes later in the week. We always seemed to have the meats in rotation, chicken, pork…

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