Marvelous Maple Syrup Recipes

Such a simple dish - great pork, maple and smoked paprika

My favourite maple syrup recipes is oh-so-simple. Place large Bramley apples cored and in a dish and drizzle over a tablespoon of maple syrup per apple with 4 tablespoons of water. Bake until softened and caramelised at 180°C – 20 to thirty minutes. I naturally think of of sweet dishes when using…

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Wings a Winner

Clockwise from bottom: Gene Parmesan, New World, Margarita, Buffalo

I wasn’t sure what to expect from Wings. Would I feel full enough? Would all the food not be a bit same-y? And where the heck is this place anyway? After years living a stone’s throw from the city centre I didn’t even know Fishmarket Close was a place, let…

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Hard Rock Café Smoking Hot

Edinburgh Foody tackling a chicken

There’s a lot of energy in a Hard Rock Café this Thursday evening. The music is pumping, the shop is full of people looking at the merchandise, and the tables are full of people eating: families, couples, groups. I’m here to try the restaurant’s Smokehouse Range. Classic American recipes for…

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Let’s Eat Lamb

Wham Bam thank you Lamb

As you may know, I grew up in England. Each Sunday, along with many other families we always had a roast for lunch. The leftovers from the meat were transformed into one or two dishes later in the week. We always seemed to have the meats in rotation, chicken, pork…

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