Are you one of those organised people who plan the week’s meals ahead? I tend to buy what I like the look of at the farmers’ market or in the local grocers then plan as I go along. Last week, I let the sauces I was testing drive the menus. It was really quite liberating!
Holy Cow sent me some samples of their sauces. A lady called Kiran dreamt up the recipes and to start with, made them all in her kitchen. The business has grown and now production takes place elsewhere.
I decided to follow their recommendations for how to serve the sauces. Each one has a description and recommendation such as “A delightfully gentle and aromatic tangy sauce flavoured with coconut and curry leaves. Perfect with Prawns, Fish or Chicken”. The sauces are also free from gluten, are vegetarian and have all natural ingredients.
So, all I needed was a selection of meats, fish and shellfish. I could have used just vegetable of course! Half way through the tastings, I wondered the cost of the sauces, which serve two easily – £3.00 each perhaps? I was surprised to discover that some are stocked at Tesco at just £1.69.
There are simple instructions on the outside of the pack. Inside there are more tips. If the tips displayed as bullet points rather than numbered it would read more as a set of instructions rather than 4 different serving suggestions. It’s actually a good idea to read the inside before you start making your meal if you’d like to customise your meal so you are all prepared. .
The sauces are all delicious and quite different to each other. If I had to pick a favourite, it was the Mangalore Curry sauce – currently up for an award. The addition of the tamarind makes it beautifully savoury and is medium hot. I added frozen cooked prawns to the Goan Curry sauce. This was a mistake, the prawns really weren’t up to the job. Uncooked prawns were suggested. I cooked lamb shank in the sousvide machine until it was falling off the bone and then added it to the Kashmir Roganjosh sauce – a lovely comforting combination. Feeling bold, I used the Delhi Tikka Masala sauce with some skate wings which were a perfect match.
As the sauces were generous, I had leftovers on a few occasions. I added the sauce to soups I was making – absolutely delicious!
These are great sauces to have in the cupboard. No refrigeration required and perfect for nights when you are out of inspiration. Holy Cow sauces are available at Asda, Tesco and Ocado.
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