It was my second visit to the Speciality Food Fair in Glasgow. It’s a trade show brim full of local producers and those from further afield. The aim: to attract delis, shops and restaurants to stock their products.
I firmly believe there is nothing like meeting the producer in person, or indeed a very enthusiastic front person. The stories they tell of how the product came to be are fascinating. Even if they’re not used to the selling role, it’s their passion for their product that shines through. Not all quite rise to the challenge, one tiny stand had a product that looked rather like pink bath bubbles and a man plonked on a chair not talking to anyone. I never did work out exactly what he was selling!
Caroline and I enjoyed so many tastes and stories, that we’ll need to write more, but to start with, here are a some drinks we can highly recommend.
Have you ever tasted coconut water? It has some astonishing properties including helping ease prickly heat and other rashes but most importantly it rehydrates better than water, so is ideal for athletes. We tasted coconut from VitaCoco. Packed in tetrapacks to keep it extra fresh. The first thing you notice is that it doesn’t actually taste of coconut! It is light and very refreshing. Flavours include 100% natural, peach and mango and pineapple. For those who like the taste of acai, there’s a pomegranate and acai flavour, but it could be too strong for some! Favourites for me are pineapple and peach and mango.
In Edinburgh, Urban Angel are adding VitaCoco to smoothies. It’s also available from x and many other locations including Hendersons and Real Foods. With no added sugar or preservatives, it’s well worth trying.
I love all things ginger. Not so many years ago, there was very little choice of non-alcoholic ginger drinks, now, I am pleased to say there are many more. We tasted a couple of ginger drinks from Kent – these proved to be a little too sweet and powerful. We were particularly taken by Gran Stead’s Ginger which is fresh and delicious available in fiery and light. It also has a wonderful story. The present owner’s father loved the drink when he was young. When he heard that the lady who created it was retiring, he leapt at the chance to buy the recipe to continue to make it. Now husband and wife team Chris and Rosemary create it lovingly. I hope they do well, tweaking their labelling would make a big difference! @gransteads
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